Customized surveys

We understand that departments will sometimes have questions that can only be answered through a customized survey and we are happy to help you design and launch one. If you are considering this option:

Think about your target sample. Are you interested in hearing from students new to your major or ones that have been in the major for a while? What about alumni or students impacted by your general education courses?

What do you really want to know? And what questions will help you answer this question and provide you with information that will lead to policy, programmatic, or pedagogical changes?

Is there another way to know it? Surveys are one way to gather information, but they are not the only way, and sometimes they do not provide the depth of information about students’ experiences that you are looking for.

Please protect our Senior Survey. Our office asks all graduating students to complete the Senior Survey each spring. We ask that departments considering conducting their own survey (1) avoid surveying seniors in the spring and (2) consider focusing on other cohorts instead.