Completing the annual report

Each year, we ask department and program chairs to answer the following questions in their annual report:

Other than students’ grades, what data or information regarding curricular effectiveness did your unit review this academic year? What did this analysis reveal about your students’ strengths and weaknesses? Focus here on what information motivates the faculty in your department to keep or change your major or minor curriculum or your service course offerings. What kinds of conversations do you have that lead to such changes and what are you observing that is initiating these conversations?

Who interpreted the results, and by what process? Does your department or program have a consistent and continual process or mechanism for considering what is happening with your students? If not, how might you start institutionalizing such conversations?

What curricular changes have you made in response to what you learned? Are there further improvements you would like to implement in coming years?  In other words, how are you responding to what you have learned about your students and their experience in your major, minor or service courses? What are keeping the same? What are you changing?

How can we support you in the upcoming year in regards to your assessment process?  We are here to help you! Is there something you would like to do but need some help doing it?